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5 Reasons to Invest in Communication

5 Reasons to Invest in Communication - Improving your communication skills isn't just a new skill, like learning how to tie knots. It's an entire change in your personality. By improving your skills in communication, you're indirectly improving other areas of your life that involve communication and social interaction. Which in most cases is all the time. Your communication skills are more than just a
skill again, they're an asset and an investment that will improve your life dramatically. Here are the top 5 reasons you should consider investing in your communication coaching plan.
1. You cannot escape communication - It happens every day. It is a normal part of life, and consequently it is a very important part of life. If you lack even basic communication skills, people around you might not take you seriously, might ignore you, pester you, or just plain out ignore you. These are some of the harsher realities that some of us face on a day-to-day basis, but they exist and are real for many out there. We're faced with social interaction every day, and the choices you make to communicate might make-or-break your interaction. Yeah, most of the time it's just fluff talk with random people, like a store clerk for instance. But other times it is necessary to be effective. Job interview, first date, meeting your partners parents, or just making a new friend. All of these require a powerful first impression, and more often than not, poor communication skills will cause you to make-or-break.
2. It's more than just communication - Everything in your life will be effected by your communication skills. Even your communication with YOURSELF. Poor communication is often a side effect of negative thought towards oneself. This could be anything negative, from put downs to how you look, to people don't like me thoughts, to just being angry because no one listens to you. What can you expect with communication coaching? You can expect a better relationship with friends/family, strangers, business partners, lovers, your children. You can expect more people to get involved in your life, or want to be around you because of your strong presence and attitude. You can expect people to respect you, and listen to you when you're talking, maybe even more interaction with the opposite sex? You can expect more opportunity, as you will take more chances because you have confidence in your skill with people. Social skills are often associated with confidence and a high self worth. This isn't fake, this is a real IDENTITY LEVEL CHANGE.
3. It's all about you - Your relationship with your self will improve dramatically. Your ability to communicate with others will improve your ability to communicate with yourself. Think about it. If you "fail" in social interactions all the time, what does that make you think about yourself? Let's be realistic, unless you honestly don't care at all about other people (which obviously you do in some case, since you're reading this article) than you're going to be effected by the negative feedback. Think about what you would think if you had positive feedback that was real and genuine? Different thoughts huh? When it all comes down to it, it's not the approval of others that we seek, it's happiness. We will do whatever it takes to feel happy, and when that's not fulfilled, we are not fulfilled. Obviously it goes deeper than happiness, as we all strive for different things, but I can assure you that most people don't go around looking for ways to make themselves unhappy (though it might seem like that sometimes.)
4. It's about being yourself - Think about it. When you can communicate with skill, you can better communicate who you are. It's about self expression. You are what you say and what you do, aren't you? Poor social skills might make you put off the wrong vibe. You might not want to come off as weird or awkward, but it just is that way. Comes back to what you're thinking. When you invest in communication coaching, you're investing in yourself, and being able to present yourself to those you decide to present yourself to. It is investing in choice. The choice to give yourself fully, and let the world see you for who you are.
5. It's about your future - Chances are, if you're reading this, you're dissatisfied with some area of your social life. You're looking for answers, or the big "cure" that will fix it all. Truth is, it's not that simple. You can read a million books on self-improvement, but the reality is they usually are just that. A book on self improvement. Where does it ever factor in your specific needs? Communication Coaching is PERSONALLY designed for YOUR OWN UNIQUE SITUATION. Not what the general population is going through on average. It's your life, and it's your own situation. If your communication skills are lacking, your future will bring a bunch of what you already deal with. Isn't it time for a change?
Overall, your ability to communicate is paramount in the socially charged world we live in. There is good news, you can improve. It's not a you're born with it or not case, it's something you can actively improve. Best of all, you can see the progress. Your life will start to change in little ways, and eventually, you'll look back and say "Wow, I can't believe I used to be so shy..."

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