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Globalisasi - Penyempitan Peradaban Dunia

Globalisasi - Penyempitan  Peradaban Dunia : Konstelasi dunia dan peradaban manusia dimana pembangunan ekonomi, sosial, politik dan kebudayaan beroperasi telah dan tengah berubah secara dramatis dewasa ini. Perubahan-perubahan tersebut sangat dipengaruhi oleh sebuah proses dimana terjadinya pengintensifan jaringan-jaringan hubungan sosial dan ekonomi yang luar biasa.

The Great Barrier of Communication

The Great Barrier of Communication - You might speak for a minute or one to two hours, yet in the end you find that your audiences don't understand the word you just said. Do you have a bad communication skill or your audiences are just dumb? Lots of you must have felt the expression above. From my personal experience, the fault is neither in the speaker nor the audiences. The fault lies in the process. It is called The

Non-Verbal Communication

Non-Verbal Communication - There are many basic channels of non verbal communication like facial expression, eye contact, body movement and posture and finally touching. FACIAL EXPRESSION or UNMASKING THE FACE, ONE of the roman philosophers said like FACE IS THE INDEX OF OUR MIND. It is possible to learn much about others current moods and feelings from their facial expression.

Peer Mediator

Peer Mediator - Mediation practices have been implemented as an alternative to settling disputes in an otherwise confrontational, win or lose battlefield amongst all types of people in society, and for all types of issues. Issues for which mediation has proven effective range from parent-child relationships all the way up to international political disputes. But one of the most novel implementations of the mediation forum is with youth.

A History Of Emoticons

A History Of Emoticons - Emoticons, those tiny glyphs found in messages all over the world wide web, are aids to understanding. Communication in text lacks the body language and facial expressions that help convey meaning. Emoticon, small glyphs that indicate the emotional overtone of a statement, help replace that lost meaning. They are not unique to computer systems. In the heyday of amateur radio, operators using Morse

Communication Gadgets

Communication Gadgets - Communication is one of the main things we cannot live without. Exactly how should we express ourselves, send information, or even talk to somebody without speaking? Due to its importance, our ways of connection has been increased by specialists and inventors. These types of frequent

5 Key Elements of Successful and Efficient Conference Presenters

5 Key Elements of Successful and Efficient Conference Presenters
  • Be a slave to rehearsals... - no doubt you've probably heard it before, but even if you're a seasoned veteran rehearsing is essential to a successful and effective web conference. Ideally your test run should

Tips | Write a Better Abstract

In science and engineering, it is common to write an abstract. The abstract is important because it is the link between the contents of a document and the reader. In many journals, the abstract is the only piece of a document that is freely available, meaning that a powerful abstract is what can compel

Top 5 Destinations for Photography Lovers

Every country in the world offers great photo opportunities for any avid photographer out there. Here is a list of Top 5 regions for if you have a specific interest in what you like to photograph.
Nature - USA: With 58 national parks, 2 coast lines, 4 major mountain ranges, deserts, wetlands, and 10,000 lakes in the state of Minnesota alone, the United States reigns king of Nature photos. Taking

5 Reasons to Invest in Communication

5 Reasons to Invest in Communication - Improving your communication skills isn't just a new skill, like learning how to tie knots. It's an entire change in your personality. By improving your skills in communication, you're indirectly improving other areas of your life that involve communication and social interaction. Which in most cases is all the time. Your communication skills are more than just a

The Public Administration | Classical Theories

The Public Administration | Classical Theories - Public administration is "centrally concerned with the organization of government policies and programmes as well as the behavior of officials (usually non-elected) formally responsible for their conduct" Many unelected public servants can be considered to be public administrators, including police officers, municipal budget analysts, HR benefits

Ideologi Di Balik Berita

Ideologi Di Balik Berita - Kehadiran surat kabar merupakan pengembangan suatu kegiatan yang sudah lama berlangsung dalam dunia diplomasi dan di lingkungan dunia usaha. Surat kabar pada masa awal ditandai oleh wujud yang tetap, bersifat komersial (dijual secara bebas), memiliki beragam tujuan (memberi informasi, mencatat, menyajikan adpertensi, hiburan, dan desas-desus), bersifat umum dan terbuka.
Surat kabar lahir di abad tujuh belas di mana sudah terdapat pemisahan yang jelas antara surat kabar pemerintah dan surat kabar komersial. Namun, surat kabar pemerintah lebih sering dijadikan corong

Teknik dan Tips Wawancara

Teknik Wawancara - sebelum kita membahas tentang teknik wawancara ada baiknya kita mengetahui dahulu pengertian dari wawancara 
Apa Itu Wawancara?Adalah tanya jawab dengan seseorang untuk mendapatkan keterangan atau pendapatnya tentang sesuatu hal atau masalah. Wawancara sering kali diasosiasikan dengan pekerjaan kewartawanan untuk keperluan penulisan berita atau feature yang disiarkan dalam media massa. Tetapi wawancara juga dapat dilakukan oleh pihak lain untuk keperluan, misalnya, penelitian, atau penerimaan pegawai.

Tajuk Rencana

Pengertian Tajuk Rencana atau Editorial dalam Media Massa Adalah opini berisi pendapat dan sikap resmi suatu media sebagai institusi penerbitan terhadap persoalan aktual, fenomenal, atau kontroversial yang berkembang di masyarakat. Opini yang ditulis pihak redaksi diasumsikan mewakili redaksi sekaligus mencerminkan pendapat dan sikap resmi media yang bersangkutan.
Tajuk rencana mempunyai sifat :
1. Krusial dan ditulis secara berkala, tergantung dari jenis terbitan medianya bisa harian (daily), atau mingguan (weekly), atau dua mingguan (biweekly) dan bulanan (monthly).
2. Isinya menyikapi situasi yang berkembang di masyarakat luas baik itu aspek sosial, politik,

Teknik Penulisan - Berita Feature

Teknik Penulisan - Berita Feature
Teknik Penulisan - Berita Feature, penulisan bergaya feature menggunakan teknik penulisan berita yang: "mengisahkan sebuah cerita." Penulis feature pada hakikatnya adalah seorang yang berkisah. Ia melukis gambar dengan kata-kata; ia menghidupkan imajinasi pembaca.
Berikut saya paparkan Teknik Penulisan - Berita Feature
Penulis feature tentu membutuhkan teknik dan imajinasi yang baik untuk menjahit kata-kata dan rangkaian kata menjadi cerita yang menarik. Tapi, seperti juga bentuk-bentuk jurnalisme lainnya, imajinasi penulis tidak boleh mewarnai fakta-fakta dalam ceritanya.